Kick-Off Meeting, Milano, 29-31 August 2018
During the kick off meeting In Milano the following boards were established:
Project Board - The Board is led by the Project Coordinator and all WP Leaders are participating in it. In case the Project Team Managers are not the project managers for their organisations they will also participate in the Consortium Board, since their role is very critical for the proper execution of the project. The Project Board (alias Consortium Board alias Project Steering Board) is where all decisions are taken by voting when necessary. The decision making mechanism, as well as the rules of voting, are described in the Grant & Consortium Agreements.
PROJECT MGNT TEAM functions in assistance to the PCO and PTCO it comprises of:
1. Project Coordinator - Mr. Paolo Fabbri
2. Project Technical Coordinator - Dr. Costas Davarakis
3. Technical and Change manager - Dr. Rick Adderley
4. Innovation and Quality Manager - Dr. Matteo Raffaelli
5. User Manager - Dr. Luigi Lorenzo
6. Communications & Publicity Manager - Prof. Panos Nastou
7. Business Potential Manager - Dr. Maurizio Costa